Wednesday, March 29, 2017
How to boost your motivation at work!
We will all agree with that, sometimes we better stay under our blankets and do nothing than going to work. It happen to everyone to hate their job & have an hard time finding motivation.
In my country, I used to have a job at customer service that I truly hate, but I had a big salary, good benefits etc... I had to find a way to stay motivate & love going there 40 hours per week or I wouldn't be able to survive. Now I am lucky I have a job that I love & I'm working from home but sometimes I still need some motivation!
Let me share what It really work for me :
Bond with your colleagues!
It is the first thing to do. I don't tell you to love everybody, but find at least one person to be friend with, to have good conversation at break time, someone you can talk to when you think you are not able to do it anymore.
Stop complaining
Yes your job suck, yes you are tired, yes you are not pay enough, yes your boss is a jerk ...all the reasons are there when you want to find negativity! Stop complaining & having a pity party. Put your big pants on and handle every situation with a big smile & positive vibes. Even if you are complaining every seconds about everything, it won't change, you will still be there until the end of your shift.
Have a passion outside work
Have a passion outside work that make you feel like you are doing something with your life. Whatever it is, do something you are passionate about & make you feel good to be alive. It will keep you in a good mood to handle life at work.
Take a breath of fresh air
At least one time per day, go outside and take a breathe of fresh air. A short walk or just sitting outside will make you feel like you are enjoying the day & will provide you the energy you need to keep going.
Have pictures that remind you your life "outside"
Surround yourself with pictures of your people, your cat, your dog or everything that make you happy. You work to pay a trip to Bali ? Put some pictures of Bali on your desk & focus on this. When you have a hard time, look at your pictures or things that remind you "your life outside work". It is just a job, not your whole world.
Make something special
Once per week, make something special. Something like : every friday we are eating out, every friday morning you buy yourself a coffee & a donut at the coffee shop.. Something that will make you look forward to that day & will make you feel like you did it!
Be a better employee
Ok this one seem weird but it is true. If you are trying to be better at your work, you will find that you like it more. Sometimes, all we need is a little boost of self confidence to kick us & give us the motivation back. You think you need more training to improve ? Ask for it. I bet your boss will be happy to know you want a be better. Do the best that you can, everyday so at the end of the day you can enjoy the fact that you did good.
Don't bring your problems at home
It is ok to talk to your people about your struggles. But if you come back home everyday super moody, complaining about everything, they will be tired of earing you. Manage your stress and your hate & if you really need to talk about, do a 5 minutes of complaining & then get over it.
Get over it
There is no perfect job, there will always be at least one colleague that will get on your nerves, there is always phase when you want to quit everyting and say fu....that sh... but get over it. Brace yourself, chin up & be an adult. Yes working suck sometimes but this is part of life. We can't be all hippies doing nothing all day & living from the homemade soap we did every full moon ..
You can do it !
Make a huge coffee and face the week!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Why I decide to stop drinking alcohol
I decided a few months ago to cut drinking wine & other alcohol every week. Yes you read it right.
I was used to drink a bottle of wine, or some beers every weekend. I needed my glasses of wine at friday night . I don't know exactly when alcohol is really a problem but I considered that I was on my way to develop one with time.
The problem was not that I like to drink wine sometimes, the problem was that I needed it.
The problem was that when I open a bottle, I was likely to finish it. The problem was that when I am a little bit drunk, I am becoming a nightmare.
Here in the south, most people don't really drink by religious conviction. I think it is very noble of them.
For me, it's not about religion (I am a believer don't misunderstand me) it's just because it is just not good for me. Nothing in it is good for my body & mind.
We are not a good match, we don't fit together anymore. Sometimes I order a drink at the restaurant and end up wishing I ordered a soda. My taste has changed and i'm proud of it.
I notice that since I quit alcohol, wine is everywhere. We live in a society that encourage people to drink.. Drinking wine is trendy. But, is it cool to wake up every saturday morning with an hangover ? Don't think so.
Is is cool to ruined your health and your liver, not for me. I used to read funny meme on pinterest about wine and thought it was "SO me". Is it? I mean, in all that I am as an human being, loving wine is not what I am proud of. Actually, it is the opposite.
I really believe we should think that people who can have fun without drinking are the coolest.
In a quest of being more myself, of becoming the person my soul is truly, drinking is not the way for me to get there. The best way to get there is to be true to myself and be ALL THERE.
I don't think I am here & now when I am drunk.
I also noticed that it is hard to accept for some people. "You are boring, let's have fun" or " Just one glasse will not kill you ". I know. I know that, why you just don't accept that I CHOOSE not to ?
I am enough like I am. If i'm invited somewhere, it's because you want me to be there. So that I drink a diet coke or a huge beer is not supposed to change anything.
So this is why I quit alcohol, just because I wanted to. Because I think it's not good for me anymore & I am proud of it.
I also noticed that it is hard to accept for some people. "You are boring, let's have fun" or " Just one glasse will not kill you ". I know. I know that, why you just don't accept that I CHOOSE not to ?
I am enough like I am. If i'm invited somewhere, it's because you want me to be there. So that I drink a diet coke or a huge beer is not supposed to change anything.
So this is why I quit alcohol, just because I wanted to. Because I think it's not good for me anymore & I am proud of it.
Friday, March 17, 2017
If you are running after happiness, it's time to stop!
We all know that one facebook friend that have the perfect life. Perfect home, perfect lifestyle, perfect job, perfect husband, perfect kids.... And as an human being it is prove that we are all attract by that kind of life.
Why ? Because we were raised to be. Marketing make us thing that we NEED certain type of products to be happy. We all have our own idea of success but most of the time it is associate with money and stuff.
Someone once told me, if you are really happy in life, do you really need to show it on social media? That makes sense... The grass look always greener on your neighboor side...
Why are we obsessed to show on social media our happiness & our cool lifestyle?
Let's do something :
I want you to remember your own memories and note it. Take a step back to think about these moments
-The happiest moment that you had with your parents ?
-The happiest memory with your boyfriend / husband ?
-The best memory of your whole life?
-The best moment that you feel that everything was right and perfect?
Now, tell me if it was associate with money or material?
I bet the best memory you had with your parents was NOT when they bought the new egyptian carpet for 1000 $.
The best memory with your husband was probably NOT the moment that the two of you bought a new car.
The happiest moment of your life was NOT the perfect big TV you bought....
So why material and money would make us happy? Because we think this way.
If we stop and look around, we will found beauty and happinest in simple thing :
Play chest with your child, reading a book, walking hand in hand with your boyfriend, watching the stars at night, listening to your favorite artist while you are cooking... This is simple, this is happiness.
Yes it is an inside job, yes it is something you have in yourself. Because you may compare everything you have and everything you are to someone else, it won't make you happy. This is not how you are gonna feel happiness.
Maybe you need to change some things, maybe you need to look inside yourself what you want & really need. But I guarantee you that is not in money & materials that you are gonna find it.
You want to find happiness? Stop, breathe and look around. I bet it is just in front of you and you miss it!
And you, what make you happy ?
be happy,
find happiness,
life hacks,
minimalist life,
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Save on Grocery Shopping ! Pay less, eat more & better!
It is prove that we spend a lot of our income in grocery shopping. And sometimes when you have to cut somewhere this is the first place you are gonna cut. In a country where it is more cheap to eat a meal at the fast food than to cook, you have to be creative and have some tricks to eat healthy on a budget. Here is my few tips that is gonna help you save on grocery shop and make your life more simple! Because yes it is possible to save some money when you know where to start .
- Plan!
I will say that for every aspects of your life : Planning is the key to save time , money , and be less stressed. Instead of rolling your cart like a chicken without a head in the grocery shop, make a menu, then a list classified by aisle (No I don't have OCD). It will make it so much easier to find the things you need, you will save time and you will enjoy knowing where you go. An efficient grocery shopping take me about half and hour.
2. Don’t go shopping with an empty stomach
It is the thing that everyone is gonna tell you, don’t go grocery shop if you are hungry. First you are gonna buy all that sweet stuffs you try to avoid, second you are gonna fill your cart with all kind of stuffs that don’t go well together and third, you will try to go faster and you risk to choose not quality products.
3. Choose the best timing
After work, you have only 20 minutes to go to walmart for your grocery, yeah right like you are gonna be the only one. Lunch break and supper time is the worst time to shop. It is crowded, you don’t have much time, you are tired, you don’t have enough space to really look at the sale and you have less choice. You need one pound of turkey meat, there is the chance that the only thing left is the more expensive one or the less quality. This is not what you want. Find the best timing for you, when you have no rush and you can enjoy the experience.
4. Look at the circular, the savings apps and the coupons
Couponing is really popular these days and people go crazy about it. It is a good thing, when you need it. Buying 22 bottles of dog shampoos just because it’s 1 dollar, not really worth it.
The best thing with couponing is to make your grocery shopping list and after find coupons for what you are gonna actually buy. Also, look at your local store circular to base your menu on what is on sale. Be careful, most of the time there is a lot of junk food that is on sale and seem attractive.
5. Make it yourself
Cooking your own crust, pastry, cookies, cake, granola bar & desserts are more healthy cause you don’t have preservative in them. They also cost less money. You save a lot when you cook your own cookies and your family gonna thank you for it. They taste better, they are fresh and they are made with love. What can you ask more ?
7. Try to avoid aisle in the middle
Every grocery are build the same. You have the veggies and fruit, the meat and the dairy all around the store. In the middle, you have the processed food. If you have your list in your pocket, try to go only where you need something. Don’t make every line, it will end up with a bunch of cookies that you don’t need (neither for your health and for your budget)
8. Lower your eyes
Marketing make it easy for them, they always put the more attractive (and expensive) stuffs (oooops busted !) in your visual sight. You want to have the best deal, lower or higher (almost where you can’t reach it )your eyes. The best price are really often at the lowest shelf. This is why if you shop when it’s not that crowded you will have time and space to flex your knees and reach the best deals!
9. Don’t waste
This is so important, if you are paying for food that go into the trash, your losing money and it’s not good for the earth. I always keep my skin of vegetables (garlic, onions, potato), the heart (cabbage, celery, brocoli, cauliflower) and I put them in the freezer. Once in a while, I make a veggie broth with everything that I collect. It is super easy you only put water in a pot with salt and your veggies, you boil for and hour or two and filter it. You got a healthy, free veggie broth for your sauce & soup. When your fruits is borderline, make a smoothie. When your veggies are close to be rotten, cook them in a broth and mashed them to make a good veggies soup. It is way more easy that you think.
10. Eat less meat
Meat is a huge part of the price of the grocery. Try vegeterian recipe and get used to eat without meal. Make a bolognese sauce with lentils instead of ground meat, make veggie burger, try tofu! Be creative about it and have fun! It is not true anymore that a meal without meat is boring. With all the resources like pinterest, blogs, TV show about recipes, there is no excuses to try something new!
11. Keep it simple !
A good piece of lean meat, veggies (fresh or frozen) and rice made a good healthy meal. No need to make all kind of recipes that use a lot of ingredients you don't have at home. Keep your meal simple, look for good recipes with few ingredients in it. Pinterest will be your best friend on that!
Really hope it help you guys, do you have any other tip that you want to share ? What is your routine of grocery ?
Can’t wait to hear about it!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
How to get rid of that bad orange/yellow in blonde hair !
Recently, I had that spring fever of getting my blonde hair back!
I was dark brown (like really dark level 4) and I know it would be a long (& hard for my hair) process.
I decided to go for a level seven for my roots and a lot of highlights blonde everywhere. Blonde hair = bleach! Bleach = ouch you can have a hay head if you are not careful!
Of course it took 2 times, and my hair was so ugly that I would like to wear a hat forever.
I look like a clown or a cheap version of a mermaid : cheap dirt orange and yellow blonde !
My hair was broken & I was looking alllllll over the web to find a trick to have a pretty blonde without the ugly copper and yellow. And most of all without having to dye them again (read hurt them again).
- I saw a youtube video of a girl who put violet shampoo on her dry hair for 30 minutes then rince. Happy me. IT WORKS! I have to repeat 3 times in the same week to have a great smoke color more natural. I personnally used the brand Joico:

- After you did that, always wash your hair with violet shampoo and conditionner. My favorite one are from l'oreal Paris : Ever Pure. The only con for this conditioner and shampoo, the iris smell is really strong and you have to get used to it.
- The price is good 6,72 $ (at Walmart) for the conditionner.

- Last but not least, Always , always treat your hair. They are damaged and it's not pretty to see a head who look like hay. So treat them with love for a couple weeks. My favorite blonde treatment is from Goldwell. Only 60 seconds, perfect for the shower !

Because Blonde have more fun they say !
Change your glasses for less than 40 $!
I have to wear glasses since i'm 12 years old & before I discover that you can buy them online, I used to wear the same pair for a very long time due to their cost. (Those are sooo expensive)
A few years ago I discover the website : a super website with really low price glasses (from 6,99 to 40 $) with a good quality. They have a lot of differents styles & models and the shipping is fast (usually around 2 weeks) I order a lot from them & it is a good website to use.
BUT! Recently I order from Firmoo ! .. AND WOW! I was amazed by the quality of the frame but also the quality of the glasses. Plus, they give you an amazing quality case to put them on. The shipping was fast (a week!) & I am more than satisfied!
More than that..... My Boyfriend order a pair too. They are truly amazing but they don't fit on him like he expected. Guess what ? Just an email at the company and BOOM they are sending a new pair for free!
Their moto is to have a 100 % satisfied customer. Their service is fast & really good.
I didn't have to argue to have my money back or to exchange them, they just say don't worry we will send you another pair for free.
The more beautiful on that site is that you can find coupon to have better discount. They have BOGO sale, 15 % off, free shipping etc. You can always find something.
We use the bogo sale and we have 2 beautifuls pair of glasses for 61 $ (shipping and antireflective include)
Zenni is a good website if you want to try but Firmoo is way more quality & the design are super modern!
If you want to take a look at their IG :
You can also use the # : #firmoo #firmoooptical and you will see a lot of pictures that will help you choose the one that fit you!
You have another site to suggest ? You love Firmoo too ? Comment below !
You have another site to suggest ? You love Firmoo too ? Comment below !
Thursday, March 9, 2017
How to beat Stress & Anxiety
It's not a secret, I am person who deal with stress and anxiety since i'm a little girl. But now the difference is that I can deal with it, I can control it and it didn't ruin my life anymore . I can manage my stress and it's a huge change in my life.
There is no boundaries like it used to be.
I am the kind of girl who tried everything ! From the happy breathing books to hynosis, here is the things that really work (for me ) to reduce stress & anxiety.
A panic attack is maximum 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, your body relief natural signal to your brain to calm down. If you are in a huge panic attack thing about it, it will be over in 45 minutes. I CAN DO IT !
Inhale & Exhale
Yes this is simple but inhale for 7 seconds, hold 5 seconds and exhale for 7 seconds. It's magic.
It's natural and you can repeat that as long as you need it.
Be in nature
Nature is really special. When you spend some time outside looking at god creation, you know there is a world bigger than you & for me is always have the effect of calming my soul. Hearing the birds, the leaves, the wind, it's a good way to relax.
Happy thoughts & happy activities
A lot of people don't believe in the power of happy mantra but it really work. Speak to yourself in a gentle way. Remember that you are enough, you can do it and there is nothing that will destroy your inner peace. Identify the activities that you are doing that relief your stress and do it as often as you can.
Read on that subject
If you want to beat the ennemy you have to know the ennemy, right? Yes that is right, read about anxiety and Stress. Take the more info you can about it & It will help you fight it.
Your brain is the strongest
Yes, it can play with you sometimes but your brain is the big winner. So tell your brain that you are not allow it to destroy your peace and be stress. When you are soooo anxious tell yourself out loud that anxiety is not gonna win , your brain decide and he choose peace
Distract your mind
When you are anxious you are overthinking and focusing to much. When it happen, distract your mind doing something or chewing something. If you are at work, chew a piece of gum and focus on your work the more you can, you will see, it will go away.
Identify your stress trigger & expose yourself to it.
Exposure is a part of the therapy. I know it's hard but you have to expose yourself to realize that you are strongest than your fears. You will keep the memory of that time that you were able to do it and it will improve your self confidence
Talk about it
Don't be ashame of dealing with anxiety. EVERYONE is expose to stress but it's different intensity for every person and that is ok. If you open yourself about your stress, you will see how much people feel you & are compassionate about it.
Go find help
If stress is ruining your life and you can't deal with it anymore, go get help. There is something out there for you. For some people it is medication, therapy, hypnosis, acupucture, yoga etc.. there is something for you. Try something ! If it's not working, try something else, until you found the right thing for YOU.
We are all differents after all.
You are not alone
Don't hide yourself at home. Let people see you the way you are, even if you are deep in your anxiety and let people help you. You are not alone in this. Remember that everyone experience stress, stress come and go. It's never a permanent situation. So no need to think you will never beat it. You can do it I believe in you!
Hope this text help you! Please leave a comment!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Unplug yourself !
One of the part of the Hygge and Minimalist Lifestyle that I really like it's to unplug ourself from social media & technology to learn how to live in the moment.
It is super hard those days to do it! It's just part of our routine to do it.
For me, the social medias are a good way to stay in touch with my family & friends that live so far away from me.
The other day the storm in the south was so intense we lose TV & Internet and we almost hyperventilate. No joke, we we're like... boring! Because we are not used to live without it, live like we used to do before.
But I learn throught experience and years that social medias need to be use in the good way.
I will say something that can't be read everywhere... the stalking on social media.
You know, that ex you broke up with a couple years ago that you go take a look at his page sometimes ... The girl your guy used to date, and you taking a look at her instagram and compare yourself.
The test of : what kind of tattoo you should have? what haircolor is your perfect match ? what Simpson's caracter are you?.....
You know what I am talking about...that time waste. I used to have a routine with social media everynight I was taking a look at my facebook before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up... Why ? What would I miss ? Hum... Nothing. That Jessie is Lisa, that my aunt should have a butterfly tattoo and that the girl I went to kindergarten with, got a new boyfriend.
Yes, this is the kind of infos we are looking at everyday and they are more than useless.
When I was a teenager we didn't have all that (thank god!) and I spent my free time, making my homework, hanging out with my friends & family and Reading.
So why now that I am an adult and more responsabilities ( so less free time) will I spend that precious time on social medias?
Yes this technology have some good, publishing that blog, having new clients, making friends, staying in touch with our people and this is how we should use it.
I am not proposing to live a life without that (it's not realistic) but to set some goals to unplug sometimes.
- Making a movie night with the cellphone in a basket in the center of the table so nobody touch it.
- Going eat out with your love one and no cell phone
- No cell before going to bed, a good book, a magazine or just enjoying each other
- A saturday outside with your family without any cellphone!
You understand the idea.. just unplug it sometimes and appreciate the real life, the real moment, the real sunset, the real funny move of your kid (or dog) and make memory in your head, like we used to do!
Monday, March 6, 2017
How to start a more minimalist closet !
I plead guilty , a year ago, I own wayyyy to much clothes in my closet.
When I move to the states, the only space I had to carry my clothes was my trunk. I needed to make choice. A lot of them was not smart at all but I still reduce almost half of my closet.
After reading books & articles about minimalist, I did another round of choosing the clothes I need & get rid of the rest. (I donate the clothes to the salvation army)
You are tempted to ask me : Why will I have a more minimalist closet?
Here is the reasons why :
- It is wayyyy more easier to chose your clothes in the morning.
- You save money. Why ? Because you actually used your clothes and buy only what you need.
- You have more space for other things.
- You used your clothes!
- It's good for the earth.
- You own quality clothes instead of quantity.
Now that I got you curious about this here how to start:
- Look at every pieces of clothes you own. Analyse them. Are they fitting together ? Do you still wear them ? Are they fit your style and personnality? Do they make you look at your best? If the answer is no : Donate!
- Get rid of the clothes you haven't wear for at least a year, or the one they don't fit anymore. If you lose weight, you will want new clothes.
- Find the color that match with your skin tone, your hair & eyes. The cold colors fit you better ? That's mean you don't need that bright yellow shirt that you haven't wear in a decade.
- Find your own style. What is comfortable? What make you feel pretty? What is the message you want to send to the world ? What is still trendy and in good condition?
- Now divide your clothes by seasons : Fall & winter clothes together and spring and summer together. Only keep in the closet the clothes for the actual season and put the other in a plastic container in the attic.
- Ok, Now you know where you are going. You meditate on your style, on the type of clothes you like and you got rid of the one who didn't fit with you anymore. The principe of having a minimalist closet it's that every piece that you own fit together. The best way to get there it's by having classic & monochrome clothes. Not boring clothes, but clothes the same shade that will fit with every pants. Go wild & colorful with the accessories (necklaces, shoes, earings, belt...etc) But remember, you don't need 1 million necklace. Just one or two that fit with everything & that you truly love.
- We have so much clothes we never used, this is what minimalist is about. If you own just a few pieces in your closet you are going to wear them and used them until they are not good anymore. Own less, save money & live better.
Time to shop ?
- Now you need new clothes because you actually used the one you have. Time to shop smart. Prefer quality to quantity. Pay a little more for one nice pull that will last years and still be the same shape after washing it, instead of buying 3 cheap quality shirts that is gonna be waste in few months.
- Keep in mind that you know your style now, no need to buy that neon leggings that are super trendy but will be ugly in 3 weeks.
You think classic fashion is boring ? Think about iconic women like Jacky Kennedy, Olivia Pope (ok I know she's not real) Claire in House of cards.. etc.
Classy never look old and boring !
What is your minimalist closet tips ? Follow me on IG : ve_allthelittlethings !
And keep following me for more minimalist closet tips!
Friday, March 3, 2017
Bored & Broke ? Here is some free activities to enjoy your weekend!
Don’t have much budget for the next weekend? Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you have to stay at home! Those day almost everything has a price and finding fun activities can be really hard and you are tempted to stay at home.
When you start a minimalist lifestyle you want to live better and make the best of life. Life offers a ton of activities for free with kids or just adults, here is some my favorite one. Have fun!
- Walking & Hiking
This is by far my favorite one. You can do it by yourself or with your family and there is a ton of places, national parks, city park etc. where you can walk for free. No need to be full equip to start, a good pair of shoes, water and comfortable clothes and there you go!
2. Organize a picnic
On a beautiful sunny day, find a quiet place that you like and go for a picnic. With kids? Find a park where they can play so adults can read, talk and enjoying good times too. Alone ? Bring a book and your favorite playlist. Packed some fresh veggies, panini, sparkling water, hummus & crackers, and desserts and enjoy the fresh air.
3. Visit Friends & Family
We always say we don’t have enough time to visit our people. When you have a time out wondering what to do. Visit your people! Especially the older one, they will be so happy to have they will be so happy to have some company!
4. Play game !
Invent a treasure hunt, play Uno, monopoly or your own invented game. It seem so simple & boring but my boyfriend and I love to play domino.
5. Find an hobby & Learn something new
You love to write? Start a blog or a book . You like to read ? Go to the library and borrow books. Today with internet, pinterest and you tube it is possible to learn almost everything. Learn a new languages on fun & free website, liste a you tube video on how to be a better human being. Get inspired by what other people do.
6. Borrow stuffs
If you are a reader, go to library to rent books, movies, documentary and some have music too. If you have in your circle a movie passionate, borrow some movies & TV show instead of renting them.
7. Volunteer
You love animals ? People at animal shelter are always looking for people to walk the dogs or play with them. You can also volunteer at church, with kids, in a shelter… Possibilities are multiple depends on what you like and are comfortable about. To know more about volunteering, you can contact your town.
Have other ideas ? Share them with me !
The hygge lifestyle
When I was in Canada my mom ask me what I want for my birthday, She won't be there and want to make sure I bring something back with me for that special day.
Because French is my first language , when I really want to relax, I want to read a french book. Here in Mississippi they are hard to find so a book was the perfect gift idea!
We were at the bookstore , looking for everything & nothing at the same time. Then I found a book call : The little Book of Hygge. I was super interested by the pictures and the quality of this book. So this was my choice!
I didn't expect to found a true calling in that book & lifetstyle and I want to share it with you!
First Hygge is pronounce Hou-ga (my boyfriend is tired of hearing me singing houga houga everytime I found something related to it!)
It is a super lifestyle that came from the danish people, prove to be the happiest people on earth. I learn a super lifestyle that related with everything I already love : the slow life.
It is not super new, I mean, It remind me a lot of lifestyle that already exist : call it hominess, comfort life, the good life,slow life, dolce farniente.... this is the principe of the Hygge. Living in the moment, in total comfort with all the simple stuff.
Here is some concrete things to make you understand the hygge :
- Reading a book, coffee in one hand, candlelight all around you in a bed full of pillow : This is the ultimate hygge!
- Cooking a long mijote while you take a sip of wine with really close friends, this is hygge.
- Well wrap in your favorite blanket, with wool homemade socks, your favorite pull watching TV for hours, this is hygge.
- Spending less money and more quality time with your closest squad: this is hygge.
- Stay home playing chess and drinking warm tea or coffee, this is hygge.
This is simple, it's all about the lighting, the atmosphere,the ambiance, the slow life style, taking time, collecting moments, enjoying the now and creating a lifestyle without stress.
You want to learn more here is the great, so pretty book that it inspire me :
This is not the last post I will do about that subject, be sure!
What is the hygge thing in your life ? It speak to you?
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
5 tips to buy a plane ticket for less!
Living in the states, I have to come back home to see my family . Canada is 27 hours of car from where I live so the plane ticket is the best option. But they are expensive! A month ago when I bought my plane ticket, I ask everyone that I knew if they have tips to have the best ticket for less.
Here is the tips that I got !
- Last minute deal? That is a myth! If you want to have the best deal on a plane ticket you must buy it at least six weeks before the day you want to leave. I did it, I try to buy it last minutes and instead of paying 411 $ I paid 553 $ !
- Buy on week day! Friday and on the weekend the price of the ticket are higher. The best day to buy is thuesday.
- Shop your ticket! You have a lot of website that offer all the prices possible. Some of them have the best deal, clearance, discount with code etc... You can set alarm on a flight that you want and follow the price by email. Website like KAYAK, FLIGHTHUB and CHEAPOAIR are a real deal!
- Be flexible ! If you are flexible for the date of departure, you can find cheaper ticket. Also if you are flexible for the airport and ready to drive a little longer, it could be cheaper. (Be sure tho that you are not that far and the gas worth the money save!)
- The last one is a little weird but true. Many plane company want to full the plane. The result is that sometimes they sold more tickets that the space they have on the plane. On my flight back, I was surprise to learn that they sold 4 tickets more than the space and everyone who hasn't reserve their seat (including me) were subject to take another flight for a compensation of 400 $ USD. I had to take a connection for another flight and had only 45 minutes between the two, but otherwise I would have say yes! A lot of time we wait between 2 flights or if we are not in the rush to head to the final destination, this is a real big saving!
Of course, everyone know that going on a trip at thanksgiving, christmas, springbreak and pretty much every holidays is a lot more expensive than regular ticket. Hope this will be helpful!
And you , what is your best tips to save?
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