Friday, May 26, 2017

Easy little tips to save money !

You want to save for your summer vacation ? For the next school year ? For a new piece of clothe ?
Whatever your reason to start saving money, here is tips that can help you to start.

1. Make a budget 

First you have to look at your budget. How much money you need to pay your things, to eat, for gaz , for activities etc. Once you know where your money is supposed to go, you can start savings.

2. Analyse for a month all the money you spent 

For a whole month, analyse every penny that go out of your pocket. Keep all your receipts and at the end, look at what you spent. How much money did you spent that was not a necessity.

3. Start cooking and make your own coffee.

A 2 dollars here and there for coffee it's easy to spent and at the end of the month you will easily spent at least 20 $ (or more) on coffee, chocolate bar, soda etc.  This money can be saved. Yes sometimes it's good to treat yourself but on occasion only.  Same things for fast food, start packing your lunch and stop eating in fastfood.

4. Keep your dollar bills and your change  in a Jar

For a couple month, we kept all our change and dollar bills in a jar. Everytime, we have some change we kept it. One day we decided to change them at the bank and we had more than 150 $ dollars in little change!

5. Learn to do it yourself !

Your haircolor, your dog grooming, your nails, your painting job at home etc... We all have access to internet and on you tube, you can find any tutorial you need. There is no way you can't do it yourself. Learn to do small things that is going to save you money. Make some research on how to do it and try! Sometimes it will turn up as a fail (my dog first haircut by me was the proof) but you will be better with practice !

6. Sell your stuff that you don't use

For example you buy a book because you couldn't wait for it to be available at the library, once you read it, sell it. You will not have the same amount of money but it's better than to let the dust get on it.
Your old clothes, old shoes, home decor, toys etc... everything can be sell and there is a public for everything. You can sell on "sell or Trade " of your locality on facebook group, ebay, amazon, kijiji etc.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

When life give you lemons....

Life is a pretty amazing thing but sometime... it sucks! Do you ever realized that life always have a way to test you? When you decide you want to start something new, start a new diet, start being zen, start a new job, a new hobby etc..

I do. I know that fact for a very long time and now I learn to embrace it.
Recently, everything seem to happen at the same time. I lost my steady job because they closed my department. I also decide that I need to start back my healthy life style after months of eating junk & Tacos (I love the southern food a little too much!).

So here how life tested me. I was super motivated, make my meal plan, my workout plan for the week and was super excited about it. Then, I got urinary tract infection (really ?) wasn't able to sleep for 3 days and got in bed in a foetal position for 2 days. Yes really. Bye bye plans! I was in bed and was deeply craving for sugar ! (but I resisted) Ended up with antibiotics and an upset stomach.
Life was saying : Are you really sure you wanted this?
Me : Oh lord, I can't workout and cook I want to sleep!

Same thing for work, I found a perfect side job that really excited me and give me the opportunity to really work and prove what I am able to do. Then life tested me : I lost my other steady job.
What , really? Are you kidding me ?
Nope.  I know this is not life and death situation. I will get back on my feet but this is just to prove that sometimes, when you decided to start something, life got this way to test you , just to be sure you got the nerves to do it.

Here is some tips to help you say : YES  I can do it !
  • Stay focus on your goal! 
There is nothing worst than losing your goal. You will question yourself sometimes and that is normal but no need to quit what your really want because you have  bump in the road. Stay focus of what you want to do and remind yourself everyday that you can do it.
  • Tell yourself that is just life testing you and that you can do it!
When you feel overwhelmed and it's seem to be too much, just tell yourself that is just life testing you and that you will pass the test. 
  • Let the fear in the closet !
Yes, starting something new or having new projects it's scary. But it's time to let your fear in the closet. You don't need them, they won't let you grow and accomplish what you really want. 
  • Stay positive !
People have tendancy to be negative about change. If your people are not sure about what you need to do or about what your doing, let them have their own thoughts. Stay positive and confident that life will turn out for the best for you
  • Have faith!
In doubt, rely on something bigger than you. Tell yourself that better days are coming and that you are gonna make the best of that hard period of time. 

You know they said that when life give you lemons, make lemonade. To make lemonade you have to press every lemons one by one. So take the bull by the horns and pressed them !