Friday, May 26, 2017

Easy little tips to save money !

You want to save for your summer vacation ? For the next school year ? For a new piece of clothe ?
Whatever your reason to start saving money, here is tips that can help you to start.

1. Make a budget 

First you have to look at your budget. How much money you need to pay your things, to eat, for gaz , for activities etc. Once you know where your money is supposed to go, you can start savings.

2. Analyse for a month all the money you spent 

For a whole month, analyse every penny that go out of your pocket. Keep all your receipts and at the end, look at what you spent. How much money did you spent that was not a necessity.

3. Start cooking and make your own coffee.

A 2 dollars here and there for coffee it's easy to spent and at the end of the month you will easily spent at least 20 $ (or more) on coffee, chocolate bar, soda etc.  This money can be saved. Yes sometimes it's good to treat yourself but on occasion only.  Same things for fast food, start packing your lunch and stop eating in fastfood.

4. Keep your dollar bills and your change  in a Jar

For a couple month, we kept all our change and dollar bills in a jar. Everytime, we have some change we kept it. One day we decided to change them at the bank and we had more than 150 $ dollars in little change!

5. Learn to do it yourself !

Your haircolor, your dog grooming, your nails, your painting job at home etc... We all have access to internet and on you tube, you can find any tutorial you need. There is no way you can't do it yourself. Learn to do small things that is going to save you money. Make some research on how to do it and try! Sometimes it will turn up as a fail (my dog first haircut by me was the proof) but you will be better with practice !

6. Sell your stuff that you don't use

For example you buy a book because you couldn't wait for it to be available at the library, once you read it, sell it. You will not have the same amount of money but it's better than to let the dust get on it.
Your old clothes, old shoes, home decor, toys etc... everything can be sell and there is a public for everything. You can sell on "sell or Trade " of your locality on facebook group, ebay, amazon, kijiji etc.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

When life give you lemons....

Life is a pretty amazing thing but sometime... it sucks! Do you ever realized that life always have a way to test you? When you decide you want to start something new, start a new diet, start being zen, start a new job, a new hobby etc..

I do. I know that fact for a very long time and now I learn to embrace it.
Recently, everything seem to happen at the same time. I lost my steady job because they closed my department. I also decide that I need to start back my healthy life style after months of eating junk & Tacos (I love the southern food a little too much!).

So here how life tested me. I was super motivated, make my meal plan, my workout plan for the week and was super excited about it. Then, I got urinary tract infection (really ?) wasn't able to sleep for 3 days and got in bed in a foetal position for 2 days. Yes really. Bye bye plans! I was in bed and was deeply craving for sugar ! (but I resisted) Ended up with antibiotics and an upset stomach.
Life was saying : Are you really sure you wanted this?
Me : Oh lord, I can't workout and cook I want to sleep!

Same thing for work, I found a perfect side job that really excited me and give me the opportunity to really work and prove what I am able to do. Then life tested me : I lost my other steady job.
What , really? Are you kidding me ?
Nope.  I know this is not life and death situation. I will get back on my feet but this is just to prove that sometimes, when you decided to start something, life got this way to test you , just to be sure you got the nerves to do it.

Here is some tips to help you say : YES  I can do it !
  • Stay focus on your goal! 
There is nothing worst than losing your goal. You will question yourself sometimes and that is normal but no need to quit what your really want because you have  bump in the road. Stay focus of what you want to do and remind yourself everyday that you can do it.
  • Tell yourself that is just life testing you and that you can do it!
When you feel overwhelmed and it's seem to be too much, just tell yourself that is just life testing you and that you will pass the test. 
  • Let the fear in the closet !
Yes, starting something new or having new projects it's scary. But it's time to let your fear in the closet. You don't need them, they won't let you grow and accomplish what you really want. 
  • Stay positive !
People have tendancy to be negative about change. If your people are not sure about what you need to do or about what your doing, let them have their own thoughts. Stay positive and confident that life will turn out for the best for you
  • Have faith!
In doubt, rely on something bigger than you. Tell yourself that better days are coming and that you are gonna make the best of that hard period of time. 

You know they said that when life give you lemons, make lemonade. To make lemonade you have to press every lemons one by one. So take the bull by the horns and pressed them ! 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Get closer to your true self

Over the years, after a painful divorce, I truly change a lot.  Not just my physic or appearence, I change inside. 

It's like I have push the button eject and get rid of the bad in me. I was sick of being so sensitive, insecure, anxious, dependant and have a low self-esteem.  We often said that when you touch the bottom, you just have to come back to the top, it was my case.

People around me often thought that it was just as easy at pushing a real button. Because people often look at the final result and not the long way to get to it. I decide today to write a post on how I did it what was the steps for me to truly change and become my true self.

I am in constant evolution and still in the process of changing some things I don't like about myself so I will keep you guys update!

First of all : Don't over talk about your problems 

I used to focus a lot of my problems and not on the solutions. I used to talk and talk and talk about my problems. I don't know if it was to have the sympathy, the approval or whathever but I was always complaining about how my life sucks.

I spent a lot of time alone

At first I thought I was dying from inside. I hate it. I felt that my life have no sense but I needed to spent time alone and truly feel lonely, until being alone was comfortable. At the final, I learn to like it, I learn to be in peace with myself. When you are good with yourself you can spend a whole weekend by yourself doing stuff alone and truly enjoy it. This is the key to freedom, be able to be as happy alone than with people. 

Learn to listen to your inner voice and say NO

Saying no it was so difficult for me. Every sunday I had lunch at my mom and spend the day there. I had a lot of things to do, sometimes I was exhausted of my week, I didn't want to go but I kept going. Until one day I decide I wanted a whole sunday for myself doing nothing!
I said no. At first it surprise others when you say no without explaining yourself or by telling the truth but they understand. After that, I went everytime I wanted to go not by obligation. 
Learning to listen to yourself, to put you limit and know what is good and not for you is crucial. 
You have the right to have an opinion and the right to say no. 

Try new things to learn what you like 

You have no hobby? Nothing set your soul on fire? Try to find something, anything. Collecting stamps, dancing, zumba, working out, painting...whatever. Try new things and found something you truly like. 
Don't try to do the trendy things just because everybody does, try something according to who you are and what you like. Don't know where to start? Think about something you used to like to do when you were younger. There is an hobby outhere for you, you just need to find it.

Be the person you want to meet

That is so true and powerful. When I used to be anxious, I wish people will be more easy with me. So I became the person I needed too. I stop complaining, I start being positive and I start being the person I wanted to have in my life. It was not fake, it was changing some bad habits to be better with others. When you are better with others, you are better with yourself. 

Don't be scared of what people will think. 

I am too fat to workout, I am too ugly to model, I am too stupid to study... Stop thinking all the bad things about yourself, stop judging you and forget what people will think. 
You wanna do something? Do it, you have just one life and if you constantly think about what others think of you, you will end up doing nothing and be miserable. 
Look at yourself for a minute, are you the judging type? Are you the kind of person who constantly analize and judge others? If the answer is yes, it has to start with yourself. Stop being so judgemental with others and you will not worry so much about what others think. 

Hope this paper help you guys ! Please comment or suscribe with your email address. 
And don't forget to like our IG account : @ ve_allthelittlethings

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why you should NEVER try diet pills!

I am not a doctor either a specialist but as millions of americans, I tried diet pills.

I tried 2 products : one with acai berry that you can find in walmart for 10 $ and It works products.
Both of them make me feel nauseated and soooo bad. Did I lose weight ? Maybe a pound or 2....And after feeling so weird, I started to make some research about diet pills...

Yes I know I should research BEFORE I take those.... but now I wanna share my experience and why you should never used them!

They can make serious damage to your body 

A lot of law suits as been made about permanent liver problems after using diet pills. Yes this is true, you can seriously have major problems taking those pills.
They can also make you feel dizzy & nauseated. Why ? Because a lot of them make you lose your water !
(this is why you look more skinny )

They will make you feel like you have more energy, for a moment

Yes at first you will feel like you have more energy. They are loaded with caffeine products that make you feel like you have energy. In fact, you are more caffeinated. It can make you feel like having palpitations, make you feel more nervous and anxious! Long terms, they can lead to serious heart problems. One pills can be like taking 3 cups of coffee... If you already drink coffee... that is too much. Hello migraine and hands shaking.

You will need to stay close to a bathroom 

Miracle? Magic Pills ? Not at all. They call it laxative and it' not good for you. Most of them have laxative propriety that is gonna make you....poop!

It will make a huge hole in your budget

They are expensive. The more popular they are, the more expensive they are. With It works, they make you on auto-refill will cost you a lot of money! Even if you buy them at Walmart, to poop & lose water, it' overpay.

Those people don't love you

That women that sell you those pills make you feel like you are her BFF ?  But she don't love you, she don't know you, she want your money. Those companies make you believe they want to help people but are they? When I want to help someone I don't charge a ton of money. It is a big company and big company have juste one goal : MAKE MONEY. When I start complaining about my Thermofit & how bad it make me feel, they told me : You are maybe allergic to one of the product in it. But mam' I have no food allergy, if it's natural (like you pretend) tell me what am I allergic to? Silence!

No proof

Yes you have seen all those pictures on Instagram and probably have a friend that it work for her. But the science have no proof that any of that products work for real. Who are you gonna believe, science or Instagram ?

What's in it? It's always vague

A lot of those pills got the mention or hashtag : Legit. Really? It's not FDA approved but it's not a street drug. When you want to know what's in the pills, it's always really vague. It's all natural. no preservatives....
Like an apple you mean ? No like a pill. Yeah right, I forgot that pills are growing in a garden... just sayin'

KFC , Sugar rush & Fries will become your BFF

Your mind will be soooo happy. It will make you believe that you can eat junk like a pig and not get fat. So what are you gonna do? You are gonna eat everything you are craving without any consequence. The pills will make the work anyway! WRONG! Yes maybe you won't get more fat but all the transfat and all the saturated fat that you are gonna ingest will stay. You will eat more junk food than ever, you will have sugar withdrawal & you will end up having more bad habits than before you started.
After that, it will be harder to stop that food & you will be in a circle of diet pills.

I hope it will help you take the best decision for you. We all dream and want to believe that the magic pills exist but the truth is that the best way to lose weight and keep your health it's to exercise & eat clean.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

How to make a good first impression!

I'm working in business development and I know how a good first impression can kill you.
It also true in your personnal life. For a first date, a job interview, meeting your boyfriend family for the first time, first impression is primordial. 

Base on science a first impression is make in 1|10 of second! So don't miss your chance. 
Also, it's been prove that a first impression is really hard to change, yes people judge a book by the cover.

So now, how to make a good first impression? Here is some tips :

Adapt your clothing for the occasion

If you are going in a casual sunday barbecue you will not wear the same clothes than on a job interview. So first, adapt your clothing for the occasion you are attending to. And remember, you may have a really distinct style but don't go too much on it. Stay classy, fully cover & pretty.


Yes you may be shy or little embarassed to meet new people, but smile. If you don't have anything smart to say, just listen.


Try to participate without taking too much space. Nobody like somebody who take all the space and talk without taking a breath. Just prove you are happy to be there and you want to be part of it.

Speak the truth

Always!! Don't try to be someone you are not or pretending to know something you don't. Also, don't lie on loving something you truly hate. Especially on a first date, don't say you are into sport if you like to compete on how much hour you can stay watching netflix. Be yourself it's the most important think.

Tell how you feel

You are shy ? You have trouble speaking in public ? Tell it. I can relate to my own experience. I am a native french speaker and at first when I met people in the states , I always say that they have to speak slowly to me cause I am not used to english. People are more kind, they understant and they ajust. It is better to tell the truth than to look like a fool.

Stay classy

Sometimes you talk like a sailor ? Watch your mouth for a first impression. Sometimes we want to fit in or be funny but it's not funny if you are not classy. Be yourself but keep a little reserve if you are to much extravert.

Now you are ready ! You have another tips ; comment below !

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How to boost your motivation at work!

We will all agree with that, sometimes we better stay under our blankets and do nothing than going to work. It happen to everyone to hate their job & have an hard time finding motivation.

In my country, I used to have a job at customer service that I truly hate, but I had a big salary, good benefits etc... I had to find a way to stay motivate & love going there 40 hours per week or I wouldn't be able to survive. Now I am lucky I have a job that I love & I'm working from home but sometimes I still need some motivation!

Let me share what It really work for me :

Bond with your colleagues!

It is the first thing to do. I don't tell you to love everybody, but find at least one person to be friend with, to have good conversation at break time, someone you can talk to when you think you are not able to do it anymore.

Stop complaining

Yes your job suck, yes you are tired, yes you are not pay enough, yes your boss is a jerk ...all the reasons are there when you want to find negativity! Stop complaining & having a pity party. Put your big pants on and handle every situation with a big smile & positive vibes. Even if you are complaining every seconds about everything, it won't change, you will still be there until the end of your shift.

Have a passion outside work

Have a passion outside work that make you feel like you are doing something with your life. Whatever it is, do something you are passionate about & make you feel good to be alive. It will keep you in a good mood to handle life at work.

Take a breath of fresh air

At least one time per day, go outside and take a breathe of fresh air. A short walk or just sitting outside will make you feel like you are enjoying the day & will provide you the energy you need to keep going.

Have pictures that remind you your life "outside"

Surround yourself with pictures of your people, your cat, your dog or everything that make you happy. You work to pay a trip to Bali ? Put some pictures of Bali on your desk & focus on this. When you have a hard time, look at your pictures or things that remind you "your life outside work". It is just a job, not your whole world.

Make something special

Once per week, make something special. Something like : every friday we are eating out, every friday morning you buy yourself a coffee & a donut at the coffee shop.. Something that will make you look forward to that day & will make you feel like you did it!

Be a better employee 

Ok this one seem weird but it is true. If you are trying to be better at your work, you will find that you like it more. Sometimes, all we need is a little boost of self confidence to kick us & give us the motivation back. You think you need more training to improve ? Ask for it.  I bet your boss will be happy to know you want a be better. Do the best that you can, everyday so at the end of the day you can enjoy the fact that you did good.

Don't bring your problems at home

It is ok to talk to your people about your struggles. But if you come back home everyday super moody, complaining about everything, they will be tired of earing you. Manage your stress and your hate & if you really need to talk about, do a 5 minutes of complaining & then get over it.

Get over it

There is no perfect job, there will always be at least one colleague that will get on your nerves, there is always phase when you want to quit everyting and say fu....that sh... but get over it. Brace yourself, chin up & be an adult. Yes working suck sometimes but this is part of life. We can't be all hippies doing nothing all day & living from the homemade soap we did every full moon ..

You can do it !
Make a huge coffee and face the week!