Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why you should NEVER try diet pills!

I am not a doctor either a specialist but as millions of americans, I tried diet pills.

I tried 2 products : one with acai berry that you can find in walmart for 10 $ and It works products.
Both of them make me feel nauseated and soooo bad. Did I lose weight ? Maybe a pound or 2....And after feeling so weird, I started to make some research about diet pills...

Yes I know I should research BEFORE I take those.... but now I wanna share my experience and why you should never used them!

They can make serious damage to your body 

A lot of law suits as been made about permanent liver problems after using diet pills. Yes this is true, you can seriously have major problems taking those pills.
They can also make you feel dizzy & nauseated. Why ? Because a lot of them make you lose your water !
(this is why you look more skinny )

They will make you feel like you have more energy, for a moment

Yes at first you will feel like you have more energy. They are loaded with caffeine products that make you feel like you have energy. In fact, you are more caffeinated. It can make you feel like having palpitations, make you feel more nervous and anxious! Long terms, they can lead to serious heart problems. One pills can be like taking 3 cups of coffee... If you already drink coffee... that is too much. Hello migraine and hands shaking.

You will need to stay close to a bathroom 

Miracle? Magic Pills ? Not at all. They call it laxative and it' not good for you. Most of them have laxative propriety that is gonna make you....poop!

It will make a huge hole in your budget

They are expensive. The more popular they are, the more expensive they are. With It works, they make you on auto-refill will cost you a lot of money! Even if you buy them at Walmart, to poop & lose water, it' overpay.

Those people don't love you

That women that sell you those pills make you feel like you are her BFF ?  But she don't love you, she don't know you, she want your money. Those companies make you believe they want to help people but are they? When I want to help someone I don't charge a ton of money. It is a big company and big company have juste one goal : MAKE MONEY. When I start complaining about my Thermofit & how bad it make me feel, they told me : You are maybe allergic to one of the product in it. But mam' I have no food allergy, if it's natural (like you pretend) tell me what am I allergic to? Silence!

No proof

Yes you have seen all those pictures on Instagram and probably have a friend that it work for her. But the science have no proof that any of that products work for real. Who are you gonna believe, science or Instagram ?

What's in it? It's always vague

A lot of those pills got the mention or hashtag : Legit. Really? It's not FDA approved but it's not a street drug. When you want to know what's in the pills, it's always really vague. It's all natural. no preservatives....
Like an apple you mean ? No like a pill. Yeah right, I forgot that pills are growing in a garden... just sayin'

KFC , Sugar rush & Fries will become your BFF

Your mind will be soooo happy. It will make you believe that you can eat junk like a pig and not get fat. So what are you gonna do? You are gonna eat everything you are craving without any consequence. The pills will make the work anyway! WRONG! Yes maybe you won't get more fat but all the transfat and all the saturated fat that you are gonna ingest will stay. You will eat more junk food than ever, you will have sugar withdrawal & you will end up having more bad habits than before you started.
After that, it will be harder to stop that food & you will be in a circle of diet pills.

I hope it will help you take the best decision for you. We all dream and want to believe that the magic pills exist but the truth is that the best way to lose weight and keep your health it's to exercise & eat clean.

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