Sunday, April 2, 2017

How to make a good first impression!

I'm working in business development and I know how a good first impression can kill you.
It also true in your personnal life. For a first date, a job interview, meeting your boyfriend family for the first time, first impression is primordial. 

Base on science a first impression is make in 1|10 of second! So don't miss your chance. 
Also, it's been prove that a first impression is really hard to change, yes people judge a book by the cover.

So now, how to make a good first impression? Here is some tips :

Adapt your clothing for the occasion

If you are going in a casual sunday barbecue you will not wear the same clothes than on a job interview. So first, adapt your clothing for the occasion you are attending to. And remember, you may have a really distinct style but don't go too much on it. Stay classy, fully cover & pretty.


Yes you may be shy or little embarassed to meet new people, but smile. If you don't have anything smart to say, just listen.


Try to participate without taking too much space. Nobody like somebody who take all the space and talk without taking a breath. Just prove you are happy to be there and you want to be part of it.

Speak the truth

Always!! Don't try to be someone you are not or pretending to know something you don't. Also, don't lie on loving something you truly hate. Especially on a first date, don't say you are into sport if you like to compete on how much hour you can stay watching netflix. Be yourself it's the most important think.

Tell how you feel

You are shy ? You have trouble speaking in public ? Tell it. I can relate to my own experience. I am a native french speaker and at first when I met people in the states , I always say that they have to speak slowly to me cause I am not used to english. People are more kind, they understant and they ajust. It is better to tell the truth than to look like a fool.

Stay classy

Sometimes you talk like a sailor ? Watch your mouth for a first impression. Sometimes we want to fit in or be funny but it's not funny if you are not classy. Be yourself but keep a little reserve if you are to much extravert.

Now you are ready ! You have another tips ; comment below !

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