I’m not the only one who discover that she get over budget after the holidays. It is not the first time that I have been interested in that minimalist and simple lifestyle but it seem too much for me to really commit to it.
Six months ago, when I move from Canada to the United States, I need to pack my stuff to make them fit in my car. Considering that my precious dog was taking the passenger seat, everything need to fit into the trunk and the back seat. So I had to make life choices. I had to pick my favorites clothes, my favorites home decor, books, kitchen stuff and everything.
When I arrived here I notice that I made really poor choices for almost everything. My clothes were not appropriate for my new climate, I left my coffee machine for cookie stamps….(yes really) and by hairdryer for a ton of jewelery & nail polish.
After six months, I realised how much money I spent to buy things that I really need and clothes and shoes that is really useful insted of cute.
I’m now working from home so I don’t need a whole office wardrobe. I am living in the country so rain boots are more useful than highheels that hurt my feets. Nail polish? Haha a real joke.
I always use the same one anyway! So why are we so attached to superficial things ?
The answer is simple, we do think we need them to be happy. This is what marketing want us to believe.
My own example : the nail polish? If I ever ran out of my favorite one (which I doubt by the way) i’ll buy a new one.
My high heels? If I ever really need shoe like that for an event, I just have to borrow them to someone. You see where I am going.
We have to redefined our priority and our way to see material stuff. What makes me happy in life have nothing to do with a statuette in ceramic. Society, marketing, facebook and all social media make us think that to be happy we have to reach a certain standard of material. This is so wrong. Why ? Because happiness is free.
So in case you want to start a more minimalist lifestyle here is my first 5 easy steps.
1. Time to declutter your house!
When I first visit New york city, I bought Fridg magnet : I love new york, a statue of liberty in ceramic, a yellow cab in plastic...all stuffs that get dust in my closet and that I never really used. So the first thing to do is to identify all the things you don’t need anymore and get rid of them. A tip : if you haven’t use a thing for more than a year, you don’t need it!
Make 3 piles : To give, to sell and Trash.
Sell all the things you don’t need or want anymore and that you can have money for it. Use facebook site, app like let go, ebay ...etc. Take all the money that you make for it and keep it to pay your debt! You will see that the things that you don’t want anymore worth more that you think.
2. Make a good inventory of your closet
Now that your house is clean make a really good inventory of your wardrobe. Classify your clothes by seasons and put in the attic your clothes that is not in the current season. This way, your wardrobe will be simple and you will know and see what you have. You will also use your clothes. You will probably realise you already have more than you need. You don’t need short in winter time, so no need to keep them in your wardrobe in that period. It took much space and make you lose time when you dress in the morning.
3. Need to buy something?
You need to buy something new ? Think. Do I really need it? Can I borrow it ? Can I make it? Can I buy it used?
With these simples questions you will realise if it’s a need or a desire. If you can live without it and if you can save a couple bucks by buy it used. It’s not about stopping wanting to buy things, it’s more making better choice, buy more quality that will last longer and used the things you already own.
Simple but this is what minimalism is about.
4. Look what you can cut off.
It’s not about cutting everything in your life all at once, it’s to simplify your life. What’s in it need to be cut off ?
Reduce expenses :For example, you have HBO and you pay for it every month and watch a movie once in a while ; You don’t really need it.
You buy a coffee every morning on your way to work ; try to make it at home at least half of the week.
You pay a lot of money on your hair or your nails ; learn to do it yourself.
Reduce stress and toxic : You realize that one of your friend is always negative and complaint a lot and make you feel anxious ; Try to reduce the contact with that toxic person for a while.
Work or school stress you ; Learn how to meditate, deal with your stress with simple tricks that work for you.
Reduce wasting time for quality time :
You really like to workout and you have the feeling you don’t have time for it in you busy schedule ? Take a close look at your habit ; you may waste a lot of time on social media, in front of the TV on tv show you don’t really like.
You can reduce the time you waste complaining, laying on the couch, scrolling your facebook etc to spend quality time doing the things you really like and make you feel alive.
Think about what is the thing you want to change, what is your goal, write it down and make a plan!
5. Be happy with what you have and learn to find happiness in free stuffs.
Walking with my dog , drinking the first sip of a warm coffee, writing in my journal, planning in my agenda, spending time in the nature with the people I love make me happy. All those things are free. For you it might be something else but if you really look at all those little things that you do that make you feel better, you have something. Write it down and even create a routine with it will help you be more mindfulness and you will learn to be happy with things that doesn’t cost a penny.
Another thing, is to be happy with the stuff you already have. Yes in this life someone will always have something prettier, better, more expensive than you. So what? Is it a sign of happiness? No. Be happy and content with what you already have, this is the way to be happy with a simple life. Material is not a sign of success or a sign that you will be happy. Happiness is an inside job and it can be create by yourself. After all, it all start with the choice that you made and the effort that you put in it.
That is my first easy steps to start having a more simple life. Do you have any tips you want to share ? Is this article speak to you? Leave a comment!
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